Q- How is Newwayref.store different from other sites?
Unlike most online retailers out there, we are customer-focused and work hard to serve you with the best deals.

We can guarantee you:

Quality products
Swift delivery
Lowest prices
Q- How much is shipping?
Free Shipping
Q- How long does it take to receive my products?
We process 1-2 days and ship within 1-2 days most of our orders. Based on our historical data, shipping time is around 5-12 days Shipping if you are using free shipping.

However, on rare occasions, your package may be delayed for circumstances beyond our control such as holidays and customs inspections.

Q- How can I get help with my order?
You can contact our customer service or you can send an email directly to info@newwayref.store

Please note that our phone line cannot be used for cancellation requests.

Q- What method of payment is accepted?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Meta Pay, PayPal Express.

Q- How to order?
Open the product page for the product(s) of your choice
Select the quantity, color, product model, and plug type of the product(s) that you would like to order and click “Add to Cart”
Click "Check Out" in the pop-up window.
On the following page, fill in your information (Email, Name, Shipping address) and click "Continue to Shipping Method"
Click "Continue to payment method" on the next screen
The last step is to enter your payment information and click "complete order" to finish the transaction and place your order with us.
Q- How can I track my order?
Page track your order: https://newwayref.store/apps/parcelpanel 

Q- I need help but I can’t find my question and answers here, what do I do?

Drop us a message at info@newwayref.store and we will get back to you promptly

Accept returns?

Return window
30 days from delivery date

Return method
by mail

Item condition

Restocking fee
no fee

Return reason and fees
no fee (remorse), no fee (defective)